核辐射仪HR9511 X and γ-ray Radiation Scanner
HR9511 X and γ-ray Radiation Scanner is a specialized instrument that used to monitor X and γ-ray radiation absorbed dose rate for various workplace. The instrument has a larger absorbed dose rate measurement range. The use of the instrument is greatly expanded by adding the function of measuring absorbed dose. This instrument is favored by majority users, especially health supervision department users. A new more powerful microcontroller technology is used in this instrument and scintillator NaI is used as the detector. Because of the effective energy compensation detector, the instrument has both wide measurement range and good energy response.
Feature and Function
High sensitivity and wide measurement range
Microcomputer control, LCD display and backlight function
Measure both absorbed dose rate and absorbed dose
Absorbed dose rate threshold alarm function
Absorbed dose rate overload alarm function
Detector malfunction alarm function
Battery voltage alarm function
Technical specification
Measure ranges
Absorbed dose rate: 0.01 m Sv/h ~ 600 mSv/h
Absorbed dose: 0 nSv ~ 999 mSv
Energy ranges: 48 KeV ~ 3 MeV
Intrinsic measurement error: ≤±10%
Energy response error: ≤±20%( 137Cs)
Measure Time(second): automatic, 1, 5, 10, 30, 60
Measure Unit
Absorbed dose rate: mSv/h, CPS
Absorbed dose: nGy, mGy, mGy
Power: ≤180mW
Power Supply: battery
Made in China
Huaruison Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Address:No.16 guanghua Road,Tongzhou Development Zone Beijing 10100,P.R.China